Toronto roof missing shingle repair roofing asphalt shingle copper slate cedar flat heritage cabbagetown forest hill annex rosedale
March 28, 2015
Toronto Flat Roofing Tapered Insulation
March 29, 2015
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Toronto roofing asphalt shingle animal damage copper slate cedar flat roof heritage cabbagetown forest hill annex rosedale

Drip edges are used for water shedding at the eaves and rakes and for preventing wood materials from rotting. It is important that the drip edge is made of a corrosive-resistant material. Drip edge should extend approximately three inches back from the roof edges and bends downward over them.  The drip edge should be applied beneath the eave protection underlayment along the eaves and over the underlayment on the rakes.

Another benefit of the drip edge is to prevent a gap between the roof deck and the top of the fascia. Most Toronto homes have original deck boards for sheathing, plywood was not in use when these homes were built. A gap between fascia and roof deck will exhaust heat and attract the animals seeking warmth. It is always better to play it safe, it is in your interest to ensure your roofing consultant discuss these options with you.

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